Chapter 66: Other GI Drugs


Class MOA
Serotonin Antagonists Block serotonin receptors on vagal afferents in CTZ
Glucocorticoids Unknown
Substance P/neurokinin-1 antagonists Block Receptors in brain
Dopamine Antagonists Block Dopamine receptors in Brain
Cannabinoids Unknown (cannoboid receptors in brain)
Antichoinergics Block muscarinic receptors in inner ear and vomiting center
Antihistamines Block H1 receptors and muscarine recpeptors

Serotonin Receptor Antagonists



Substance P/Neurokinin-1 Antagonists

Dopamine Antagonists

Promethazine Black Box Warning

Severe respiratory depression, do not use in children below 2, use with caution in older children

Droperidol Black Box Waring

risk of fatal dysrhythmias d/t QT prolongation, check EKG before prescribing


Adverse Effects

Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting

Three types of emesis:

Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy

Drugs for Motion Sickness



Antidiarrheal Agents

Nonspecific Antidiarrheal Agents


Management of Infectious Diarrhea

General Considerations

Traveler’s Diarrhea

Clostridium difficile–Associated Diarrhea

Drugs for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Non Specific Drugs

Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome-Specific Drugs

  1. Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting ↩︎

  2. increased motor tone, changes in the amount and velocity of movement, and involuntary motor activity ↩︎

  3. Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth ↩︎